To Do
"For I have come down from heaven not to do my will but to do the will of him who sent me."
John 6:38 NIV
Have you read Jesus’ to do list? Surely I have before, but I didn’t consider it to be a “to do” list until this weekend when I came across this verse again.
I really love making lists of all the things I dream “to do.” Especially if it means pretty paper and pens! In January, I make a list of all the big to do’s we’re sure to have done come December. On the first of each month, I pick one of those annual goals to conquer over the next 30 days or so. On Sundays, I pick 3 goals to write in my planner, with boxes to check off by Friday. I usually make a list each morning with my prettiest pen, to ensure I’ll get it crossed off.
And come December, I usually find a crisp, clean list, still in the front of my notebook. By the 30th or 31st of any given month, except February of course, I take one unmet goal off the fridge to replace it with the next. Saturday afternoon, I turn the page of my planner and start planning for the next week, carrying over at least 2 boxes from before. And most mornings, I start a new list, with my prettiest pen, containing at least half of what was meant for yesterday.
I love making lists. And I’ll keep making lists, despite the goals I don’t reach. Because I know just the act of planning sets me down a good path. And I always come to the end of the day having accomplished some things. Even if it wasn't exactly what I wrote down.
You know what I’ve never actually written on my to do list? Do God’s will! Oh sure I think it alright. I pray about it at bedtime. God and I talk about it while I mow. But I've never actually written it down. I'm thinking I’ll give it a try this week. What could set me down a better path? I’ll put God’s will at the top of all my lists!
With that in mind, here's tomorrow's list:
1. Talk to God about what he has planned for my day, then go do it!
2. Also, run the laundry.
3. And do the dishes.
4. Hug the girls.
5. Stretch.
I hope you'll consider adding God's will to the top of your to do lists this week, too!