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Tuesday Breakfast Notes #75

Bright Lights of the Bus

"In the same way, let your good deeds shine out for all to see,

so that everyone will praise your heavenly Father."

Matthew 5:16 NLT


I have always enjoyed my position as “bus driver” for the girls. One of the big changes that came with middle school this year was putting the big girls on the actual school bus. So far, they love it. I’m the one having the hard time adjusting to the 5 am wake up calls!

The girls crossed the road to get on their bus that first day at 6:01am. As you can imagine, it was dark. But we could see the glow of the bus lights for a full minute before the actual lights came popping up over the rise in the road. 

As Christians, we are to be that same glow leading to Jesus. And for those working in the schools- the bus drivers, the cafeteria workers, the classroom aides, the volunteers, the janitors, the administration, the teachers- there is an especially unique opportunity to carry the light to our kiddos, without even having to speak speak the name of Jesus.

It’s so bittersweet to send the kids off to school at the end of each summer. I miss them when they’re away. But they always end up fighting more at the end of the summer, as a reminder, I suppose, that it’s time. Each year’s first day of school finds them older, a little more independent, a little closer to finding their own way in life. A little closer to needing me a whole lot less. 

When I went to the writing conference in July, I made a friend named Brenda. Brenda is a bus driver in Alabama that treats her bus route as the mission field of Jesus. Thinking of her gave me comfort in sending my girls off on this new, small part of their growing up journey. 

I know we have so many in our own community that love our kids the same way. It’s these people that make it easier to send my kids out into the world. 

To those of you in the schools, thank you for loving our kids. You are in the midst of a special mission!

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