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Tuesday Breakfast Notes #74


Dreaming big dreams

That night the Lord appeared to Solomon in a dream, and God said, "What do you want? Ask, and I will give it to you!"

1 Kings 3:5 NLT


I remember when I turned 11. It was fine to be 11, but I had the dream of being 16. I would basically be a grown up, and I would be able to drive a car! What better thing could there be in life?

I don’t think it was wrong to dream of driving. But in a typical tween/teen fashion, I wasn’t dreaming very far or very big. Turns out, there’s a lot of life to live after the age of 16.

As an adult I’ve had dreams, too. Dreams of being a mom, and dreams of being an artist.

Stephen and I decided we were ready to be parents. Then we waited 18 months for God to say “it’s time.” In the meantime, we kept dreaming and we prayed: alone, together, and with others in our circle. 

I saw someone with a bag that had been purchased from this thing called “Etsy” in the fall of 2010. I knew I wanted my own Etsy shop! And in October of 2022, a mere 12 years later, that finally happened. In the meantime, I had still been making and dreaming, and praying: alone, with Stephen, and with a few others in our circle.

The tricks, I’ve found, to seeing these dreams come true was in: 

#1- Waiting! I had to listen daily for God in my prayers to hear when the time was right. 

#2- Asking others to join us in our waiting. 

(Before I go farther, I want to point out that I have also had a lot of dreams and desires where God has said “no.” For today, I’m only looking at a few where he said “not yet.”)

I came home from the SheSpeaks conference in July with a new dream in my heart. I hope you don’t mind that I want to share it with you first! Well, aside from Stephen and a few family members, that is. And I want to ask, will you join me in the waiting? In the dreaming and the praying?

My dad is a 4th generation farmer- maybe more. (I waited too long to finish up my note to you and he’s hopefully in bed. I’ll get back to you after verifying.)  He is farming land in the same area as his great grandparents. 

I did not grow up to be, or marry, a farmer. But I still love the farming community, and the families behind the business. I’ve found myself wondering, “who is preaching to the farmers?”

My new dream is to put together a book of devotionals, art and writing, for the farm. Maybe for the farmer, or maybe for the support staff (spouse and children). 

There’s an awful lot I don’t know. Dad (Lenny) has been kind enough to say he’ll be my in house expert! 

Do you have big dreams you're carrying around right now? May I join in your waiting and praying, too? I would love to hear from you!

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I had goosebumps as you described your vision! I will join you in praying for the path God has opened up for you! 💕🙌

I pray for the farmers - that God will prepare their hearts and that their dreams and visions will be realized and valued!

God is so good! 💕🙌🙏😀

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