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Tuesday Breakfast Notes #73


To the crew: Adalyn, Dena & Lilly

Still other seed fell on good soil. It came up and yielded a crop,

a hundred times more than was sown.

Luke 8:8 NIV


Dear Adalyn, Dena and Lilly,

Stephen and I constantly pray for the people who walk in and out of our girls’ lives. And God has been kind enough to give us the right people at the right time. You are an answer to this never ending prayer that we pray.

You are each talented and beautiful, with a whole world of opportunities and options at your fingertips. Coming home to build up the next generation is not a requirement. Thank you for doing it anyway.

You encourage our girls to be brave by nudging them onward. You love our girls in the midst of their own ugly anger and disappointment. You offer hugs and kind words in their moments of fear or sadness. You delight in their silliness (and there is plenty).

If God had given me the option way back when, I would have told him to set me up so that I didn't need any help raising our kids. I mean, I would let Stephen help occasionally, but really I would just prefer to do it on my own. 

When the girls were little, and we had 4 under the age of 4, it was obvious that I could not meet all of their physical needs without a whole lot of help. And now that we approach the teenage years, I am reminded daily that mom just doesn't have all the answers. 

But God is good! Because Ellie, Amera, Leni and Sylvia can count you among their very best friends!

Stephen and I see the seeds of kindness and generosity you are sowing in the hearts of our girls. Those seeds are going to grow into something really beautiful.

Always, Kirby

P.S. Slay the day!

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Beautiful words!

Clearly your lovely young ladies will encourage, love and hug the next generation. 💕

I am teary eyed with this post!

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