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Tuesday Breakfast Notes #70


Find the Light

In those days when you pray, I will listen.

Jeremiah 29:12 NLT


I am so grateful for my time in Charlotte. I am still feeling the overwhelm in the attempt to digest all I heard. I hope you don’t mind, but today I’m going to share a few of the big takeaways in the hopes they mean something to you, too:

1. One speaker, named Tamra Andress, asked us this question: “Have you prayed about it as much as you’ve talked about it?”

Ok, I am trying to make prayer my first go to in any situation; but it’s just so easy use my mouth, and not for prayer! If it’s been a hard day, it’s pretty likely I’ve called my mom to vent, filled Stephen in during his lunch break, and texted a friend or two. Somedays I forget to invite God into the discomfort, the pain, the annoyance until bedtime. And that’s just the day to day. I need to stop and think about how I handle my big dreams…

2. Jordan Lee Dooley made a distinction that now seems so obvious: My “calling” is always for Christ, and leading others to Him. My “assignment” changes with the seasons of life. Another way she said this was that we all have “one calling, and countless ways to carry it out!”

As a young adult, I tried to be light for my students as a speech therapist at school. When I became a mommy, my assignment changed to being Jesus for my girls as I changed diapers, filled bottles, read picture books, and generally slept very little. Now that all 4 girls are in school, my assignment has shifted again, this time to art and writing. Some day, a long, long time from now, I hope to receive the assignment of “grandma”…

Do either of these points speak to you today? 

Are you like me, using your mouth out in the world before calling God to share in your joys and concerns? 

Or have you been struggling to figure out what you’re doing and where you're going right now? Does it feel freeing to know that our calling remains, with regular assignment changes?

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