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Tuesday Breakfast Notes #7


Butterlies and Daffodils

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.

Proverbs 3:5 NIV


Do you notice all of the beautiful, yellow flowers growing in the grass? And do you like my pretty butterflies?

Honestly, I’m kind of struggling with what to tell you this week. I know this is the picture I was meant to paint. I’m just not sure what I’m supposed to give you from it. I have 2 thoughts to work through, and I hope you’ll find a nugget for yourself in here:

Thought #1- We have sent off for caterpillars twice before. It’s fascinating to watch, step by step, as they eat, and grow, and build their chrysalis. The most exciting moments have been when the girls are home to watch the butterflies wriggle out, bit by bit. I hadn’t seen this before, either. It’s really something to see the wet, limp wings when they first emerge.

Then those butterflies sit and wait. They’ve already waited 10 days in a chrysalis. And here God asks them to wait a while longer. In the waiting the wings dry and harden. Only after the waiting can they fly.

Thought #2- My girls have always loved dandelions! I was surprised when they ran out of school last week, and were still a little offended that friends or teachers had ‘suggested’ that dandelions are weeds. “How can that be possible?” they ask. “They’re too pretty to be weeds!”

Luckily, we have a Bapaw who farms and he can usually answer all the questions! What we’ve landed on when it comes to weeds, is that a weed is any plant that grows where it doesn’t belong. For the foreseeable future, I think Stephen’s stuck with some of that yellow carpet.

My last thoughts to leave you with: Are you like a new butterfly, in the waiting before you can fly? Are you noticing some weeds in your life that might actually be flowers, or flowers that might actually be weeds?

Ellie and Amera flying through the yard, April 2016.

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