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Tuesday Breakfast Notes #69


Find the Light

In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.

Matthew 5:16 NIV


We were sitting at the dining room table at a friend’s house Sunday evening when Sylvia went tricycling by. I said “well that’s sure gonna be a breakfast note!” And so here we are, but not with the one I had started.

I wrote my first draft for you today about how I try to be the light of Jesus when I’m out and about, and when I’m at home with the kids. But I’ve spent today feeling kind of like I’m stuck in a dark tunnel, and it’s hard to share about light when you aren’t really seeing it yourself. 

So I asked myself what advice I would give my girls: “The light is out there, don’t give up on your search. And while you’re looking you might as well turn it into a scavenger hunt! Now go.”

Then the hard part, I tried to follow my own advice… 

Here are the places I found light today:

  1. Amera has given some really great hugs.

  2. I took a nap. And when I woke up, Leni brought me a snack.

  3. It rained! And at our house when it rains, the girls sing, dance and giggle.

  4. We gals needed some help from Bapaw and he popped right over.

Your smiles, kind words, hugs and hellos are important. It might feel small and insignificant, but there's a good chance it's a clue on someone else's daily scavenger hunt for the light of Christ.

Where did light pop up on your latest hunt?

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