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Tuesday Breakfast Notes #67



But God did listen! He paid attention to my prayer.

Psalm 66:19 NLT


Listen… kids are funny. And last week was one of those times:

We were in the car, headed to a birthday party, and singing together as only the Lord could love! Well, that and the friend whose phone we accidentally called!

Sylvia's new favorite thing is reading the title of the song as it plays. Part way through one of the songs, Sylvia asked “buy dirt?” She took a breath and said “I thought we were singing “buh-der, you know mom, like butter.”

So of course we started the song all over again, with a chorus of 5 voices, purposefully singing about sticks of butter.

This time the mixup was funny. But how often, in any given day, do we find a message we’re trying to communicate has been misunderstood? Or worse, unheard. Or maybe the worst, just ignored! 

Stephen and I went through it this morning: I asked him how he slept. And what I heard was “awful.” I apologized for the bummer of his sleep, to which he responded “what? I said it was fine…”

I tried to talk to Sylvia this morning after an early grocery pick up. (I get to do that by myself when Stephen works from home!) Didn’t matter that I called up a jovial "good morning" when I got back. She was still sound asleep.

Yesterday I asked Leni to run upstairs and clean the toilet; it took 3 requests, and I know she has good hearing!

God, on the other hand, knows my heart and mind even when I don’t know how to put it all into words. And there are days that I don’t have the words. So instead I say something like, “Lord, wow. This day is a mess! Please show up anyway. Amen.”

God does not misunderstand us. His voicemail does not fill. He does not have selective hearing. Reach out in prayer- He will hear you clearly!

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