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Tuesday Breakfast Notes #65


Time for bed


In peace I will lie down and sleep, for you alone, Lord, make me dwell in safety.

Psalm 4:8 NIV


I woke up with great intentions for today!

But some days (who am I kidding, most days) don’t go the way I plan. So instead I found myself in the midst of overwhelm with a headache, and pretty much stuck.

This is the point where I usually then spend the day muttering under my breath about what a waste of space I am… 

But as I’ve gotten older, and hopefully a little wiser, I’ve come to realize that it’s not all that productive to spend a bunch of time beating up on myself- it certainly does not complete all the tasks I had on the to do list!

And so you might notice that I’ve sent this week’s email a little earlier than usual.  

I’ve chosen to skip the painting. I don’t have anything cute or clever to share. 

All I want is to give you permission, if you’re needing it, to be kind to yourself this week. For me, it’s looking like an early bedtime and the grace to start again tomorrow.

I'll be praying you have a good and productive week. Or maybe just an early bedtime. Love you friend!

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