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Tuesday Breakfast Notes #64


How do I answer that?

I was there when he set the heavens in place, when he marked out

the horizon on the face of the deep.

Proverbs 8:27 NIV


Over the last 2 weeks, Stephen and I have found ourselves, more than ever before, talking to our girls about trying to listen for God. About praying, and not just the prayers where we do the talking.

We’ve been met by some big questions, wrapped up in some big emotions: Does God even hear us? Is God even there? Does God even care? Why doesn’t God fix it now? Are God and Jesus even real? Why doesn’t God ever talk to me? 

As a mom, I'm finding a whole lot of my own questions banging about: How am I supposed to know the answers to this stuff? What if I don’t have an answer? What if I give them a wrong answer, a damaging answer? Doesn’t God know I’m not prepared for this?!

Here are 3 things I’ve been doing lately:

  1. When one of the girls asks a big, hard question, I pray for them, out loud, right then and there (assuming it’s not mid meltdown- those prayers just stay in my head). Maybe just a single line, but something. Only 1 of the girls seems to appreciate it, but I'm hoping it catches on.

  2. I am honest about when I just don't know. I suggest we research an answer, ask someone who knows more than me, or remind them they may just have to wait until they get to heaven someday to find out.

  3. I email, call or text someone else who can also cover us in prayer! And hopefully offer some welcome suggestions.

Proverbs 8 is the call of wisdom. I so often don't feel like I have much of it myself. I do ask God to help me make wise choices as a parent, so I will use these times filled with hard questions to grow my "wisdom muscles."

How are you growing and stretching this week?

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