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Tuesday Breakfast Notes #61


Meant to Be

Listen, my son, to your father's instruction and do not forsake your mother's teaching.

Proverbs 1:8 NIV


I wrote this poem as a gift for my parents at Christmas 2020. One stanza is personalized for mom, and one for dad. In case it doesn't translate in reading: the first and fourth parts are me speaking while the second and third are God speaking to my parents. 

Meant to be: Dad

My dad’s not perfect,

But he isn’t meant to be.

He’s my dad down on the earth

charged to care for me.

“The only way is through me.

I’m trusting you to show.

The way down the path,

it will be narrow.”

“Show her grace and goodness

and give when she deserves not.

Demonstrate kindness,

make laughter part of the plot.”

Now here I am a mommy.

All of God I hope they see.

And I won’t be perfect,

but I’m not meant to be.

Meant to be: Mom

My mom’s not perfect,

But she isn’t meant to be.

She’s my mom down on the earth

charged to care for me.

“The only way is through me.

I’m trusting you to show.

The way down the path,

it will be narrow.”

“Show her love and mercy,

right when she doesn’t deserve it.

The patience you demonstrate

will carry her through another’s fit.”

Now here I am a mommy.

All of God I hope they see.

And I won’t be perfect,

but I’m not meant to be.

How would you personalize this for your parent, or yourself as a parent?

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