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Tuesday Breakfast Notes #57

Updated: May 6


Say I Love You

Watercolor painting of 3 little girls dressed as lambs

Dear friends, since God loved us that much, we surely ought to love each other.

1 John 4:11 NLT


I never said “I love you” more than when our babies were born. In fact, I think I mostly sang the words to the girls. Nothing was as exciting as when those 3 sweet babes began to say it back!

At our house, the spoken words first came out as “yuh you!” Before the words we knew they were understanding our love towards them when we'd get big, silly hugs and sloppy, wet kisses.

Having triplets gave us a special view of the child’s version of “I love you.” Not only did those words belong to mommy and daddy, or mamaw and bapaw, but they also knew those words belonged to each other! They  knew their sisters needed lots of big, silly hugs and sloppy, wet kisses, too.

I am not afraid to tell people I love them; it seems easier now that I'm a mom. As the girls near their teenage years, they like to mock me. I call to a friend "love you" as we part ways. Immediately after comes a bunch of  giggly, sarcastic "looove you" to their friends.

I suppose all of the practice will let them feel more comfortable some day. For now, I'll laugh to myself while they roll their eyes at me. 

If I haven’t told you lately friend, I love you. I am grateful for you. Thanks for popping in on Tuesday mornings for our little visits. I'll be praying for you until we meet again here next week.

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