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Tuesday Breakfast Notes #53


Come heal our home

Watercolor painting of 3 little girls dressed as lambs

God, my God, I yelled for help and you put me together.

Psalm 30:2 MSG


Last week I began praying a new prayer over our family. I decided my prayer should be uttered each time I pull into the driveway. Assuming I remember, this is at least twice a day since I serve as the family school bus. 

The words I’ve been saying are “Father God, come heal our home.” I decided I want the kids in on this, too, so I told them my plan and invited them to join me. They all said “no thanks mom,” but I’ll continue on anyway. 

I’m not just praying that God will pop in with his tool belt on and clear the upstairs sink drain that so regularly clogs. Although I know Stephen wouldn't mind His help. I'm looking deeper than this physical building that houses us. I really want God to come in and heal our hearts and minds, too. 

So here's my question- Do you ever feel nervous when you pray? That first day, I prayed "come heal our home" over and over and over... Then as I lay in bed that night, continuing the plea, I began to feel a little nervous. 

Because here’s the thing-  the only way for our home, our bodies, our hearts, our minds to be healed is to first acknowledge all of the broken places.  Speaking for my own family of 6, we have plenty of cracks! Some days those cracks are a lot more obvious than others, but they are always there.

My current prayer is going to take time, work, and inevitable discomfort along the way. I am not able to repair the cracks and broken places on my own. But I know I was called to pray for healing in our home, so I'll continue on. What difficult or broken places have you been called to pray over this week? 

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