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Tuesday Breakfast Notes #52


Overcome by Email

Watercolor painting of 3 little girls dressed as lambs

Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.

Romans 12:21 NIV


I would venture to say that GT and the Halo Express has been the best bible memorization tool in my life. I remember my dad's friend John gave us the green cassette first; the story about the bike race. I'm not sure that Shelby was even born yet. 

If you don't know, these are audio stories where angels sing bible verses to help the characters, kids named Michael and Christy, get through their days. Even now, if we're all attending church together and the sermon includes any of the verses from the stories, you'll be able to hear our shuffle to get each other's attention- "that was a GT verse!"

Thankfully GT and the Halo Express is still around. It comes on cd now, and ours have had a lot of air time.

Stick with me here. With that introduction finally done, I can start in on what I really have for you today:

I know God's word is truth. I know the words haven't changed. And I also know that as an adult, I'm still struggling regularly to understand what in the world He's trying to tell me! Sometimes it's hard to find any practical application.

Enter Amera, somewhere between 2 and 3 years old. She's buckled into her gray and pink carseat in the back of the van. GT is playing with Romans 12:21 coming through the speakers. And in the voice of our sweet angel we hear “Do not be overcome, do not be overcome by email… whoa- whoa... but overcome email with good.” 

And so the verse has been for nearly 8 years. 

I mean, I know email is not evil. But somedays it can feel like that! The number of messages, the spam, the distractions, the missed communication....

But anyway, I laugh every time I remember her little voice singing that verse in such a relevant way to our time. So if today feels heavy, and your email is just too full, I hope this can be a little good to help overcome it.

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