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Tuesday Breakfast Notes #51


Happy Birthday!

Watercolor painting of 3 little girls dressed as lambs

They celebrate your abundant goodness and joyfully sing of your righteousness.

Psalms 145:7 NIV


Those first years with both the triplets and Sylvia went by so quickly. Honestly, I’ve always been grateful that I live in the time and age of the iPhone; there is just so much I would forget if I didn’t have the photo evidence! Any chance you've had the same experience?

I think celebrating first birthdays is done for ourselves, as parents, and our village. Our littles only half understand what’s going on (2 of our 4 cried over their cakes).  And they won’t have memory of the celebration. But we celebrate anyway!

At our house this year we're celebrating 11 years with the big girls, and 8 years with the youngest. It hasn't gotten easier, just different. Some of the physical needs swap places with the emotional needs. Some of the worries get bigger as they venture out into the world. And Stephen and I keep doing the best we can with what we've got at any given time. 

For the Tuesday Breakfast Notes' birthday, I haven’t decorated my house and I didn’t make a cake. Actually, I tried to make cookies or rice krispie treats and Sylvia said all she wanted was mini cupcakes from the grocery store.

But I am celebrating 1 year of Tuesday Breakfast Notes. While I spend the day thinking over the first year here, I'll go ahead and dream into next year and the next. And I'll be intentional in stopping throughout the day to thank God for you, too.

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