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Tuesday Breakfast Notes #50



Watercolor painting of 3 little girls dressed as lambs

As a face is reflected in water, so the heart reflects the real person.

Proverbs 27:19 NLT


The exercise of writing Tuesday Breakfast Notes for you this year has been an exercise of the heart. Which is better than trying to exercise my body, because I pretty well drop the ball on that every day. But maybe that will be for next year? I'll keep you posted.

I'm not totally sure what my goals were in starting the practice of weekly writing and painting. But I felt the call in my heart, and with some encouragement, gave it a go. I fully expected to be exhausted and overwhelmed on a weekly basis. And I'm not!

Sure, it's true that sometimes I don't know what I'm writing about until midmorning Monday. But I really enjoy the challenge of tuning out the distractions to listen for direction. It's true that sometimes I don't finish up until midnight. But it's a lot quieter in those late hours. It's true that I don't always end up where I expected. But there's a lot of good internal conversation and prayer that happens along the way.  

And while I still don't know all of the goals here, I am finding that this weekly writing and painting practice seem to be the exercise leading me to a new, healthy heart in Jesus. I'm wondering if you're feeling any tugs in your heart, any whispers of a call, that might be God wanting to work in your heart, too?

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