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Tuesday Breakfast Notes #49


Finding Freedom

Watercolor painting of 3 little girls dressed as lambs

"So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed."

John 8:36 NIV


I have found a new sense of freedom between this week and last. Freedom from stinky socks. From piles and piles of mangled pants. From soggy towels exploding out of the bathroom hamper. Yes, we have a working washer and dryer! 

The girls were a little embarrassed at how much joy I received from the delivery, and that very first load of clean laundry.

They can’t give me too hard of a time. You should have heard the squeals of delight at the big box making it’s way into the house!

And of course, that next morning, before school, the box was immediately transformed into… a jail. With that came police codes, tickets and fines. The bad guy? Most of the time it was Ellie.

But when the girls weren't playing cops and robbers, Ellie was in the box anyway. I think she was finding some freedom in that small space from the noise of her dear family. 

These are some silly freedoms. But we're all looking for freedom from something, aren't we?

With the help of a really wonderful counselor, I’ve been building a new relationship with myself so I can find freedom from a pretty yucky headspace.

My cousin Mandy will spend the large part of Tuesday attached to a chemo drip to find freedom from breast cancer.

Often we find ourselves held captive by something in life, like cancer, without choice. But some things in life hold us captive by our own choosing, like the girls' cardboard jail. Where in your days this week can you choose freedom over captivity?

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