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Tuesday Breakfast Notes #42


Finding Rest

Watercolor painting of 3 little girls dressed as lambs

“I will refresh the weary and satisfy the faint.”

Jeremiah 31:25 NIV


Welcome to 2024 friend! I missed meeting you here, in your inbox, for the past few weeks. But I'm also grateful for the time to step away. I'm hoping you had a joy filled Christmas and New Year's! 

The Christmas season often passes by me in a blur, and then I dive into new plans and ideas without much pause. The calendar and culture say it's time to keep trucking!

I jump into January plans- I like picking a word or Bible verse to carry through the year.  I think it's fun to make goals for different areas of my life. I fill in the big events for the months ahead in my planner.

This year, though, I didn't feel ready to jump in; not yet. Honestly, I'm tired. 

It's not a totally new feeling, but it does feel a little heavier. And it's not just the kind of tired that needs a good night's rest, although that would help. 

Maybe it's the extra weight of the tired feeling I'm carrying that made me slow down in the week between Christmas and the new year. I found God there asking me to wait. (I wish he didn't always have to remind me to stop and listen.)

Right now I'm waiting on resolutions. I'm taking some time to find a few moments of quiet, to consider how I really feel emotionally, to talk to God about how He wants me to grow this year, and to consider how I can best spend time with my big girls in these last few years before they become teenagers. 

Are you tired, too? Do you also need to slow down and take some personal inventory before rushing farther into January?

I would love to give you permission for just that! God is waiting to meet you!

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