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Tuesday Breakfast Notes #4


A decade.

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.

Romans 8:28 NIV


When I wake up tomorrow (Tuesday), I will have been a mommy for 10 years. That's a decade. Two whole hands. I keep looking at my girls and it keeps hitting me; these babies of mine aren't babies anymore.

Amera was the last to come home, on a Sunday. The next Monday, in between feeding, diapering, burping and pumping, my mom kept the babies long enough for Stephen and I to drive down the road to Panera for lunch. We felt like our bodies wouldn't be able to get us to Friday.

And here we are. Ten years later. Some weeks, I'm still not sure I'll get to Friday. But God always gets us there. I am grateful for the gifts of our daughters and this time we get with them. I hope I'm using our time wisely. In another decade, they'll be adults. I think I'll keep asking God to get me through.

The girls down the winding path, 2016.

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