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Tuesday Breakfast Notes #34


My Parenting Map

Watercolor painting of 3 little girls dressed as lambs

Watercolor painting of a little girl dressed as a lamb
Little Lamb

Be shepherds of God’s flock that is under your care, watching over them- not because you must, but because you are willing, as God wants you to be; not pursuing dishonest gain, but eager to serve; not lording it over those entrusted to you, but being examples to the flock.

1 Peter 5:2-3 NIV


I found these verses on a day when I was feeling uncertain of my skills as "mommy." I remember leafing through my bible with a sense of purpose. I was on the hunt for a map, or a blueprint of sorts. And I think we’re all looking for someone to show us the way, aren’t we?

Let me show you how I make these verses easy to apply in my everyday; maybe they'll be helpful to you, too!

I love that these verses begin with a directive: be shepherds. The role of the shepherd is to know their sheep and assure their needs are met, while keeping them safe.

Then God moves to our attitude: not because you must, but because you are willing. Most of us have kids because we wanted them! In the stress of our daily lives, it can be easy to forget how we felt when they first became ours.

Then God moves to our intentions: not pursuing dishonest gain. Most of us know we aren’t likely to find glory in the day to day of parenting.

Then God moves to our actions: not lording it, but being examples. We don’t have to go into our days proving to our kids that they make mistakes; our time is better spent worrying about our own choices.

When I reread these verses to myself, what I hear is this:

“Know your kids. Make sure they’re safe and cared for. Don’t love your kids reluctantly; throw yourself into the time you have with them. Don’t love your kids because you want glory; serve them unseen and with enthusiasm. Don’t hold your kid’s imperfections over them; show them how imperfect people love each other imperfectly.” Most of the rest seems to come more naturally when I focus on these things first in my interactions with the girls. What bible verses do you use as a daily guide in your most important relationships?

 A photo of 3 little girls in a pasture dressed as lambs

My little lambs: Amera, Ellie and Leni; October 2014.

Photo of a little girl dressed as a lamb in wildflowers

My other little lamb Sylvia; July 2018.

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