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Tuesday Breakfast Notes #31


Here we go again.

The sun rises and the sun sets,

then hurries around to rise again.

Ecclesiastes 1:5 NLT


Do you ever have those mornings, where you wake up and your first thought is "Ok, here we go again"?

I've been saying that to myself a lot as fall comes shuffling in. Only as an adult have I realized just how cumbersome the season changes are for the house, and it has me feeling overwhelmed.

It's time to switch out the seasonal clothes, except that I never actually finished that task at the last change! It's time to swap out some of the bedding, assuming I can figure out where I put it! It's time to rework the rhythm of the laundry as I change from washing shorts and t-shirts, to pants and sweaters and tall socks. It's time for some of the shoes to move on, but the overflowing shoe corner reminds me that I didn't get it done before the school shoes came out. It's time to put away some of the yard toys and porch furniture, but it hasn't happened yet.

I feel like I should be a little farther ahead; these seasonal changes are not a surprise.

But reading this verse from Ecclesiastes was so reassuring! I mean, the sun is a pretty big deal. And the author reminds us that even the sun, the center of our physical universe, finds itself running around and around.

Tuesday's goal is the shoe corner. Wednesday's goal is the porch furniture. Come spring, I'll find that I still haven't caught up. And I'll keep going at it anyway. If the sun can, so can I!

The start of the sunrise, October 2023.

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