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Tuesday Breakfast Notes #29


Added Joy

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control.

Galatians 5:22-23 ESV


Some days, I lay in bed before I go to sleep and quietly ask myself "did we add to God's joy today?"

Does that question feel heavy? I really don't mean it to. I ask myself because I really believe God finds joy in our joy.

Saturday was a day I went to bed sure that we had made God smile. That evening we had a 30 minute drive, filled with Disney karaoke. Everyone took turns choosing songs, the music was way too loud and all 6 of us sang at the top of our lungs.

The Rader broadway interpretation of the music continued into the house and through toothbrushing. It only ended when the lights went out, and Stephen and I sat in the sudden quiet downstairs with smiles on our faces.

Absolutely nothing life changing had occurred. The music was too loud. We found the notes we just couldn't hit. Our throats were a little sore. It made bedtime take a little longer.

But we had been engaged in an activity together, without any distractions. And we were so deeply happy. The cares of the day and worries of tomorrow were forgotten, and our hearts felt a little lighter, even if just for the evening.

Our days hold a lot that can so easily distract from the little joys around us. Maybe this week we can each try to search out an extra bit of joy in our days, or even be joy in someone else's day.

Let's help each other find a few extra smiles.

Oscar on a puppy run, September 2023.

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