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Tuesday Breakfast Notes #20


Ordinary Days

In a million little ways

You make me wanna stay

In these ordinary days

Ordinary Days, JJ Heller (2022)


My mom worked in the school system; so I kind of knew better than to start asking how soon we had to go back to school. But I’m pretty sure I always asked about the start of school year around this time of summer anyway.

The girls have started looking towards the new school year already. Partly with tears because it’s hard to start new things.

So I’ve been taking account of all the things I thought we would do during the summer, and haven’t. The good news is we have gone swimming, played in the creek, gone on gator rides through the woods and read lots of books.

We have not made it to big, exciting locations each week. We haven’t kept up on laundry or dishes. We haven’t kept a schedule. We haven't seen all of their friends. We haven't learned Spanish.

I always try to find opportunities to keep wonder alive in our time together, and I’m afraid I’ve let that slip this year, too. Big kid and grown up stuff so often get in the way. I’m going to tell you my list of what I want to make happen before school starts (or at least before fall sets in).

I’m hoping it will help me stay accountable to the memories I want to make the most for our family:

-Stay up late catching lightning bugs -Sleep in the tent -Have a picnic in the walnut grove -Dance on a walk down the driveway -Make dancing ladies out of hollyhock blooms

Where will you be looking for a bit of wonder in the everyday this week?

Hollyhock Dancing Lady, August 2013.

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