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Tuesday Breakfast Notes #16


My Father's House

“My Father’s house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you?

John 14:2 NIV


Friday we brought home the prettiest yellow roses. Those pretty yellow roses came from the cemetery.

Last Monday, my great Aunt Zelpha, at 95 years old, went home to be with Jesus. The girls each carried around their rose they way they carried around their big question: “What is heaven like?”

I don’t know what you think, but I think that’s a big question! One that weighs heavy in the category of “well if I don’t answer this one right…..”

I gave a general answer that “the colors will be brighter, the air will be filled with music, no one will be sick….” As they kept asking, I also felt confident in my answers of “I don’t know. We’ll have to wait until we get there.” Or “maybe you can ask God yourself someday.” And “I kind of wonder that myself.”

It’s ok that I don’t always know. I think it’s good that the girls know they can ask me the big questions. And it’s also good that they know sometimes we’ll have to muddle through to the answers together.

But to change the tone, I do know when we get to heaven, we’ll have so much more to do than the mundane of our earthly lives. But if God welcomes us and allows us to demonstrate our offerings, here’s how I imagine Aunt Zelpha spent her first day: She served Jesus some of her fried mush for breakfast. Then she jumped on her tractor to mow God’s front lawn. She ended the day in the angel orchestra, playing the violin.

Isn’t it kind of fun to imagine the thrill of someone doing their favorite things right there in final glory? Let’s go live our day with that same gusto!

Aunt Zelpha's flowers, June 2023.

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